Case Study

Pea.AI's AI Community Assistant showcases its versatility and efficiency in a multitude of scenarios:

1. Project-Related Q&A from Docs

Users receive accurate answers to their inquiries, with information sourced directly from the GPT's knowledge base, specifically from documentation.

2. Project-Related Q&A from Whitepaper

The Bot provides detailed responses to queries by referencing the project's whitepaper stored within its knowledge base.

3. Scheduled News Distribution

The Bot is programmed to send out the latest news to community groups at regular intervals, ensuring members stay informed.

4. Regular Community Content Summaries

Periodically, the Bot compiles and presents summaries of the discussions and content shared within the group.

5. Timely Custom Notifications to Groups

Custom notifications are dispatched to the community as scheduled, facilitating reminders or important updates.

6. Community Analytics

The Bot conducts thorough analysis, offering insights into chat metrics, tracking active users, and highlighting trending discussions or topics within the community.